Dr. Brodman is a specialist in medieval history, and has a particular interest in the history of Spain, the history of medieval social welfare policy, and the history of religious institutions. He is the immediate past President of the American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain. He is also the founder and director of LIBRO : The Library of Iberian Resources Online, a full-text library of monographs and other resources in Iberian history. On the undergraduate level, Dr. Brodman teaches the Birth of Europe, Medieval Civilization, the History of the Crusades, the History of Spain, the History of Christianity, Introduction to Historical Methods, and World History. Graduate courses include the Seminar and Studies in Medieval History. Dr. Brodman's publications have emphasized the areas of medieval law, social policy and ecclesiastical institutions. Currently, he is working on a broad study of the opera caritatis in medieval Europe. He holds the Ph.D. degree from the University of Virginia, and is currently professor of history in the University of Central Arkansas.
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